How Are You, Really?
It’s been quite a few months, hasn’t it?
Hopefully you are healthy and hanging in there through all of the challenges we’ve been faced with lately.
It’s an unpredictable and scary time for all of us.
Here in California, our latest challenge is wildfires. This morning I woke up to a smell of smoke. As I looked out at the twinkling stars and lights through the haze of smoke, I was kept company by a pack of coyotes that seemed to be equally anxious about it, howling together through the night.
While the stories are different for each of us, I don’t think there is anyone on the face of the earth right now not being faced with a challenge they’ve never experienced before.
Anxiety is in the air, everywhere.
We’ve all known life is precious and unpredictable, yet I think this reality is dawning on us more and more.
The funny thing is, as I stood there in the darkness of the night, at first focusing on my fears of the unknown and what was coming next, I suddenly felt an inexplicable, deep sense of peace.
I realized in that although the future was uncertain, at that particular moment in time, I was okay. My family was safe. We were healthy–in that moment of time.
Sometimes being in the present moment, alone with our breath, our inner quiet and focused on the details of our own life, we are able connect with a sense of gratitude, even in the face of fear.
I have noticed that as we navigate life, whether at times like these or in simpler more stable times, there are three things we can do to keep ourselves moving forward in a positive way.
#1: Simplifying
I don’t know about you, but my go-to when crisis hits is often to start cleaning, decluttering and making lists.
Real-world details matter. They stabilize us, guide us through the toughest of times, and act as our rudder.
Organization and time management are two things I’m working on constantly as a busy mom and writer. I’ve been working on letting go of what isn’t important, automating what is, creating routines and rhythms, and managing my time to focus more on what matters most. It’s a constant work in progress.
#2: Connecting
The second thing we often do in times of crisis is tapping into something bigger than ourselves. When things are really bad, this might mean praying hard. Other times, it might just mean taking a deep breath, heading out in nature, reaching out to a friend for help or to offer help, or going over a list of all the things for which we are incredibly grateful.
We all have our own beliefs and go-to methods of getting real in the moment. Whatever path we choose, it all comes down to accessing our best, most highest self and the good out there in the world. That, and slowing down, feeling our feelings, remembering what we know to be true, opening our hearts up wide to others and most of all, to our true essence–who we really are.
While I sometimes need reminding, I believe we are each completely capable of being present and feeling deep, deep peace even during the toughest of times. We just have to figure out what works best for us.
#3: Sharing Our Gift
Tough times prompt creativity. When we get real with our fears, pains, hopes and dreams, I’ve noticed that something happens. It’s as if a voice within us wakes up and starts chatting–the voice of creativity, our truest self or our spirit within.
In my life, I’ve found that what really shifts things is honoring this voice. This happens in so many ways–our artistic or creative expressions, generous sharing and connection, our devotion to our life’s work, and how we run our businesses, nurture our hobbies, and maintain our homes and communities.
I think the more in flow we are able to get, the more in-tune we are able to be with this small, still voice, the truer and more positively impactful the sharing of our gift becomes.
Figuring It Out As We Go
I believe each of these paths is equally important. Sometimes we are able to focus on all three pillars in a given day. Sometimes life doesn’t work that way, and all we can do is focus on one. The order doesn’t matter, but I believe staying focused on each as best we can is what makes our lives have meaning, depth and helps us get through challenging times like these.
In the weeks ahead in my newsletter, I’m going to be sharing things I’m trying in my own life in each of these three areas. I’d love to hear your ideas and what works for you too.
If you’re not yet a subscriber and would like to be, you can sign up here.
Thank you for joining me on this journey, and for visiting my site. I wish you well, safety and a sense of deep peace.
Copyright © 2020 Laurie Smith. All Rights Reserved. Photo credit: Laurie Smith.