How to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed and Get Unstuck (40+ Tips)

Ever notice how sometimes it’s easy to get things done, while other times it feels like walking through quicksand? It can be hard to motivate if we feel overwhelmed and don’t know how to get unstuck.

Most mornings, I roll out of bed raring to go. My mind is ready to write. Sometimes, if I’m lucky, I get another burst of mental energy just before going to sleep at night.

During my usual afternoon energy slump, however, all bets are off. That’s when I’m most likely to feel overwhelmed.

When I look at my long to-do list during energy slumps, it’s as if I’m wearing “gloom-and-doom” glasses. I only see what’s “not done” instead of what I’ve already accomplished. I feel stuck.

Beat Overwhelm and Get Unstuck

Maybe you have times like this too. When we feel overwhelmed, we are more likely to procrastinate.

So, how can we get unstuck?

Baby Steps Help Us Get Unstuck

Over the past three years, thanks to my 28-Day Flow Challenges, I’ve discovered how life-changing baby steps can be. Doing a little something everyday can help us build and keep our momentum, even when our energy dips. When we’re consistent with our baby steps, our lives flow in new directions.

This is especially true when our baby steps are fun (like the joyful flow activities we choose in our Flow Challenges). But what about those tasks that overwhelm us instead of bring us joy? Those seem to require some extra strategizing.

Tips for Overcoming Overwhelm

Here are some tips I’m using to get my life organized this year and to tackle my own feelings of overwhelm. I hope they’re helpful to you too.

If you have any “getting unstuck” suggestions or strategies that work for you, comment below. I’d love to hear them!

#1 Get Curious

The first question to ask is:

“Do I REALLY have to do this task?”

Most of us put a lot of pressure on ourselves. We have long to-do lists. Not all of our overwhelming tasks are ones we chose for ourselves. Our to-dos lists reflect commitments, roles, and priorities, not all of which are our own.

When we start remembering how each task first got on our plate, something often starts to shift.

If you feel overwhelmed, a good question to ask is:

Do any of my tasks come from outdated agreements?

When something’s not working in our lives, we might assume it has to do with our time management methods. Sometimes, that may be true. There is a chance, however, that we are trying to put a square peg in a round hole, but just don’t realize it.

We are all constantly evolving and growing. In my own life, I’ve noticed that sometimes when I feel stuck, it’s because I haven’t fully owned and accepted that my priorities have changed. If some of the tasks on our to-do lists don’t fit in with our lives anymore, then they need a new home.

#2 Own Your Power (a.k.a. “Adult”)

Often when we feel stuck, we start procrastinating. Procrastinated tasks can take on a life of their own. They become like the boogeyman in a child’s closet. This is especially true when we think we have no choice. The thought that we have to do something that we don’t want to do can feel imprisoning.

We always have choice

Sometimes we might believe we really have to do tasks that we don’t want to. It can be empowering to realize that even if the consequence is death if we say no, we are still always in charge of our own choices and mindset. As the concentration camp prisoner Viktor Frankl in his beautiful book Man’s Search For Meaning taught us, the one thing no one can ever take away from us is the power of our inner world. We alone rule our own inner choices.

When we choose to view ourselves as a victim, we often blame boogeymen (whether other people in our lives, our own imperfections, or our long list of tasks) for how we feel. I’ve noticed that every time I’m blaming others for my experiences, or trying to get others to change for my own comfort, I don’t feel very empowered. When I start to take ownership for what is my responsibility (and let go of what is not), it often feels like I’ve opened a door. Suddenly, it feels like there is more light. The boogeyman can get up and walk away. Consciously saying YES or NO often changes everything.

Adulting helps us get unstuck.

To me, adulting means accepting that we are each in the driver’s seat of our own lives. Adulting sometimes means saying “yes” to tasks that lead to positive long-term benefits, even if the short-term experience is hard. Adulting also means doing what it takes (getting training, hiring help, seeking emotional support, admitting ignorance, practicing new skills, shifting our mindset, etc.) so we can follow through on what is in our best interest in a positive way.

#3 Be REALLY Honest With Yourself

Another reason we might feel stuck is because we are making assumptions that aren’t actually true. Lately I’ve been trying to ask a lot more questions in my life.

Here are a few questions we can ask:

  • What am I assuming to be true?
  • Am I absolutely sure that’s true?
  • What don’t I know about what is overwhelming me?
  • How can I find the answers?
  • Who will benefit from me doing this task?
  • What will happen if I don’t do it? Who will benefit?
  • Are there other ways I can achieve the same results?
  • If I want the job done–WHY?
  • Is there anyone else who can do this task (or who can help me)?

We might want something done, but don’t want to be the one to do it. Or, we might want to do it, but simply not have the time or energy. It’s natural to feel stuck or overwhelmed when we are juggling conflicting desires or motivations.

We also might be convinced that if we don’t do things on our to-do list, that will lessen our value or put us at emotional risk. We might be afraid to disappoint others, or that others will reject us. Much of this is unconscious. Asking questions is the first step to making unconscious patterns into conscious choices. When we do that, we can regain a sense of control, which is the key to no longer feeling so overwhelmed.

#4 Choose HOW You Do Tasks

When we say “yes” to a task, we almost always have control over how we do it. We might not do it perfectly. We might do it in a way that embarrasses us. We might do it exactly as others want us to, or we might not. No matter what the situation, we almost always have far more choice than we realize.

Think of a task or project you’ve been procrastinating. Ask yourself:

  • What would make me feel more freedom when it comes to this task?
  • What would make me feel more in control of this task?

Write down your ideas and choose a few to try out. See what happens.

#5 Lower Your Expectations

During our Flow Challenges, participants often share that they are really hard on themselves. I can definitely relate. For many years, I’ve considered myself to be a recovering perfectionist. Expecting ourselves to be at our best all the time is a sure way to feel stuck. It also keeps us from noticing life’s many unexpected gifts, which often show up in the guise of imperfection.

We are all superheroes

At our best, we are all superheroes. But we also have moments when we aren’t. Far from it. In fact, when we are overworked, burnt out, sleep-deprived, juggling too much, or feeling judged, emotionally triggered, or criticized, most of us are at our worst.

This is especially important to remember in team environments. When people don’t do tasks the way we think they should, we might feel like we have to do their jobs for them (or micro-manage). Lowering our expectations, being open to unexpected surprises, working on acceptance, getting curious, and being open instead of critical can help us to find solutions.

We are all imperfect

To stop feeling overwhelmed, we may also need to make peace with the fact some of the tasks on our list might need to be done half-assed (or “good-enough”). We might need to accept that at times, others will judge us and think our “worst” or our “good-enough” is our best. They also might make unkind assumptions about our potential, identity, or talents. Sometimes this knowledge is too difficult for us to accept. And so we may freeze, procrastinate, avoid adulting, and feel stuck.

Personally, I have found that the only true path to becoming productive and efficient is to make my own healing an equal priority to checking things off my to-do list. The more I prioritize self-acceptance and self-respect, the more courageous I am in taking risks. This includes putting creations or thoughts out into the world that are “half-baked” or imperfect, and not putting too much weight into how others perceive me.

#6 Get Into a Flow State

Flow is how we feel when we are fully engaged in an activity. In a flow state, we are connected to our true selves, our infinite potential. If one of the reasons we feel stuck has to do with how we perceive ourselves, flow can help.

During a flow session, we often lose awareness or no longer care what other people think of us. We can’t be in flow while also worrying about others’ reactions to us. It’s just not possible.

Starting to accept that we can never control how others perceive us can help. It’s important to remember that their reactions are about them (and what is going on in their lives in the moment), not about us. Making peace with the fact that we are not always at our best (and no one else is either) helps us to relax and not feel so overwhelmed. It can also help us to get into flow more often. The more we experience flow, the less stuck we feel.

Research shows that after doing an activity in a flow state, we often have a much stronger sense of self, a quiet confidence. As a result, flow is a very powerful tool when it comes to overcoming overwhelm.

#7 Get Clear About Your Priorities

Another reason we might feel stuck is that we have conflicting priorities. The truth is, our priorities change based on what else is happening, our state of mind, and who we are with. If we haven’t finished (or started) certain tasks, most likely, it’s simply because in the past, to us, the task wasn’t more important than the other things on our plate.

Choose your top three priorities

If we really want to do something and just aren’t getting to it, it can help to make a list of our big picture priorities or projects (keep it to three if possible, no more than five). I have found less is more.

Our minds can only hold focus on a few things at one time. If we have too many priorities, we are bound to feel scattered. I recommend choosing three priorities to focus on for a set period of time (like 28 days or each week). If the task you have been procrastinating is not linked to one of those priorities, consider delaying it or asking someone else to do it. If it is linked to one of your top priorities, figure out what you can let go of that is of less importance in order to make space.

#8 Ask: What’s Working?

One of my favorite organizing experts, Julie Morgenstern (see book list below) begins sessions with her clients by asking:

“What’s working?”

Over the years, I’ve adopted this with my clients and myself too. I love Morgenstern’s perspective that everyone is always doing something right. When we’re in an overwhelmed state of mind, we might forget this.

Whether we realize it or not, we have each developed incredibly effective strategies for making our lives work.

Your answer to “what’s working?” will likely be different than how others respond, and that’s okay. The more we respect our own formulas for getting things done, the less overwhelmed we often feel.

#9 Ask: How Do You Want to Feel Instead?

Remembering past successes also reminds us how good it feels to be on the other side of “stuck” and “overwhelmed.” Many years ago, I spent several days organizing our family’s photos, a task I had been resisting for many years. Even now, I still feel a sense of pride and pleasure when I go into those organized photo boxes. I am very grateful to my younger self for making sure I could find what I need now.

Remembering past successes connects us with our personal motivation for overcoming overwhelm. We remember how much perseverance we have. It also helps us remember how we may ultimately feel after our overwhelming tasks are done.

#10 Get Unstuck YOUR WAY

Asking about past successes also allows us to uncover our own personal formulas for tackling overwhelm. In my case, in the past, organizing my photos and files in batches worked well for me, so might again. Blocking out big chunks of time might be one strategy that could help me be more productive in other areas of my life too.

We each have our own flow processes. Brainstorming all the different ways we can do something can get us more engaged and excited. The more we honor the unique methods that work for us, the more we reclaim our power. Reclaiming our sense of power and self-respect is the key to getting unstuck.

#11 Know Your WHY

Once we uncover the real reasons we want to do a task, it helps to write them down. I’ve found that posting my reasons somewhere I see often, or listing my reasons next to each task on my to-do list really helps. Keeping the benefits of our tasks front and center helps us to move forward.

#12 Make It Fun

It’s human nature to resist tasks we don’t enjoy. When we find creative ways to turn chores into fun events, we are more apt to want to do them. I’ve found that playing music, listening to a favorite podcast, or chatting with a friend as I do tasks I’ve been procrastinating can help a lot. So does taking frequent dance or stretching breaks. Getting imaginative about how I do tasks, like adding color to my organizing systems, helps too.

When we feel overwhelmed, it can almost be as if a young child has taken over our body and is having a temper tantrum. A great strategy for overcoming overwhelm is to come up with playful ideas to help our inner child want to be helpful again.

#13 Join a Supportive Community

Being part of a supportive, caring community can be great when it comes to overcoming overwhelm. Checking in with friends on a regular basis to support us as we move forward with projects we’ve been procrastinating can be a great way to deepen relationships, and get our lives to flow. The Harvard Study for Adult Development, a research project that has been going on for eighty years, provides strong evidence that uplifting relationships are the key to our overall wellness.

This is actually how our Flow Challenge community started.

Click here to join us in our next 28-Day Flow Challenge (they are always free.)

#14 Find a Bragging Buddy

Another way to get unstuck and overcome overwhelm is to partner with a friend who is also working on making positive changes in their own lives. I’ve done this many times and have found it to be a great way to deepen my friendships. You can become “bragging buddies.”

When we are in relationships where both people are really committed to actively making changes in their lives, then sharing successes is a good thing. Celebrating successes makes us feel good about ourselves. We also become more realistic about the progress and changes we are making.

Having at least one person with whom we can share our wins can be especially helpful. This is especially true if we tend to be introverted, overly humble, uncomfortable with drawing attention to ourselves, or worried that bragging about successes might make others feel bad or might not be well received.

#15 Set a Timer (and set boundaries)

Another tip I love is limiting the amount of time I spend doing tasks I don’t enjoy. Setting a timer while doing these tasks also increases the likelihood that we will get into flow. The more we focus, the more we get accomplished. The more we accomplish, the less stuck we often feel.

Setting clear, reachable goals and being firm with our boundaries (turning off our phone, closing the door, asking not to be interrupted, sticking to the time we set, etc.) all help us focus. Setting a timer is one example of a boundary. If boundaries are a challenge for you, some of the books recommended at the end of this article may help.

#16 Invent NEW Bite-Size Strategies

SARK, one of my favorite authors on creativity, recommends setting super tiny baby steps to overcome overwhelm. For example, if we need to clean a closet, on the first day, she says, just open the door. On the second day, look inside. On the third day, pick up one thing and decide where it belongs. And so it goes…

This is taking the idea of baby steps even further. Eventually, if we are patient, we will get the tasks that overwhelm us done. We just might need to do them on our own timetable. Coming up with bite-sized baby steps is a great way to get unstuck.

#17 Clear Clutter

Another thing that helps me is clearing space and getting clutter out of sight. When we’re surrounded by things that don’t bring us joy, we tend to feel overwhelmed. Sometimes, simply getting rid of a few things (low hanging fruit) or cleaning up a bit can really improve our energy. This can be as simple as emptying our garbage cans, or taking out the recycling.

I’ve noticed that when it comes to getting rid of stuff, frequency helps. Actually removing old unwanted energy from our homes invites positive energy in. See how things shift when you let go of actual objects you don’t love.

#18 Set Specific Times for Recurring Tasks

Setting aside one day a week as “procrastination day” can help us to relax and not feel as overwhelmed. This is something I learned from the FlyLady in her book Sink Reflections (see recommended books below). Other ideas are choosing specific mornings each week to get organized, or setting aside a full weekend to declutter. Scheduling overwhelming tasks can make us feel more in control.

It also helps to schedule similar tasks together (a trick from Julie Morgenstern, see book recommendations below) and to assign recurring tasks to consistent days or times. By doing this, slowly, over time, the pre-scheduled tasks should become more automatic. This also helps to eliminate decision fatigue, which can make us feel stuck.

When we’re looking to create new habits, experts like authors James Clear of Atomic Habits, and Charles Duhigg, author of The Power of Habit, suggest doing them immediately before or after other habits that are already in place. This is far easier than creating new habits from scratch.

For example, I’ve been playing around with adding new tasks to my schedule after breakfast, or when I return home after a regular appointment. It also helps to schedule new habits when our energy is naturally higher. For me, this is in the morning. Honoring the rhythms we already have in place in our lives is a great way to get unstuck.

#20 Do Your 3 MITs (Most Important Tasks)

Choosing three priority tasks that no matter what, I promise myself I will do (and checking these off early in the day) has definitely boosted my confidence and momentum. Less is definitely more. This is a strategy I learned from Jamie Wheal of the Flow Genome Project. It’s also widely recommended by other productivity and time management experts too. This simple strategy can help us stay focused and feel less overwhelmed.

#21 Use a Habit Tracker App

There’s something about the visual reward of seeing when we’ve accomplished something that is so gratifying. When we see our progress over time, we’re more apt to stick with it.

For me, tracking my habits started when I began using the Clever Fox Planners. While I’m still experimenting with calendars and planners, I really love that Clever Fox includes a weekly habit tracker. I’m also testing both Habit and HabitBull apps to stay motivated. (I’d love to hear your feedback on technologies you use).

#22 Track Your Time

Most time management experts recommend tracking our time for a few weeks to help us identify areas of potential change. To track my time, I used the app HoursTracker. I opted for the paid version, which enabled me to have more than three categories. This was a game-changer for me. Time tracking can be very revealing.

Every time category needs a home

After tracking my time, I had a much greater level of respect for how hard I was working. I also had new insights into changes I could make to be more productive. In addition, having an accurate list of categories of all the tasks I actually do enabled me to start scheduling “homes” for these categories on my calendar rather than leaving it to chance.

We often don’t realize how much all those little time windows add up. Tracking our time can help us feel more empowered (a great cure for overwhelm) and help us to be more productive.

#23 Delegate Repeating Tasks

When we feel like we have to do everything on our own, it’s easy to feel overwhelm. Delegating and receiving help are very important when it comes to being productive and getting unstuck. I started by enlisting help from our teenaged kids (it’s amazing how much they are capable of helping with!).

I have found that the key to delegating tasks is giving very clear directions. This boosts the chance that we will actually get what we need (instead of now having another job–micro-managing our helpers).

Simple is best when delegating

I learned best about how to do this when my kids were very young. Their first real chore was setting the table. Inspired by the book Sink Reflections by the FlyLady (see book recommendations below), I first did the task myself, exactly how I wanted it done. I observed my actions as if through the eyes of my young children. I then broke the job down into multiple, individual steps.

I wrote it all down (with pictures) so the kids had a guide they could follow. I gave them this list and walked them through it, demonstrating and reading the steps out loud. I also gave them permission to be creative (using different colored napkins, choosing a candle, or cutting flowers from the garden for a centerpiece). The result was so positive that I now try to do the same thing every time I delegate any job. It takes a lot more time, but being very clear is a sure-fire way to make sure I get my needs met. This is especially helpful when delegating to someone who is new to your organization or a task.

#24 Create a Productivity Handbook for YOU

Breaking larger tasks into a list of steps is not just a great way to delegate, it’s also gives us a guide to follow when we feel overwhelmed. Michael Gerber, author of the book The E-Myth (see book list below) recommends looking at everything we do as a repeatable process that we can teach to others.

Having an outline of repeatable steps gives us an easy way to assess where we are at in the process of completing a task. It also helps eliminate the chance that we will get sidetracked. I’ve also noticed that the process of unpacking tasks into a list of steps ultimately makes me more efficient. Both of these are key to overcoming overwhelm.

#25 Keep Your Energy Up

Getting unstuck is all about energy. The truth is, sometimes we are just more energetic than others, it’s how we are wired. Energetic peaks and valleys are different for each of us. While we don’t always have control over our schedules, doing difficult tasks during our most productive times can make a big difference.

Taking simple steps to boost our mental and physical energy also helps. We might call a friend when we feel down, repeat a mantra, go for a short walk, or indulge in a favorite coffee drink. What works best is different for each of us.

I’ve also noticed that when I feel overwhelmed, doing one of the following things (Tips #26 through 31) almost always helps.

#26 Eat Healthy Snacks

Feeling hungry or malnourished is a sure recipe for feeling stuck. I have found that eating small, frequent healthy meals with protein helps me maintain a much more steady level of energy and focus throughout the whole day.

#27 Drink Lots of Water

Water really does seem to be a lubricant for all things, especially for our energy flow. When we forget to drink, our body gets dehydrated. I believe even being slightly dehydrated gets our body into a “fight or flight” state. For me, this often lowers my energy and my outlook, and makes me feel anxious.

Drinking plenty of water is such a simple way to keep our energy and outlook bright. It’s also important for sleep and productivity. Personally, drinking 96 ounces a day works best for me. I’ve noticed profound improvements in my energy during the day, and sleep at night from drinking this amount.

#28 Stay Properly Nourished (Vitamins)

I’ve also found that learning more about what my unique body needs and taking supplements that support those needs really helps. I take a vitamin B complex in the morning, which boosts my energy, and magnesium at night to help me sleep. Always consult a healthcare professional before taking supplements.

#29 Move, Stretch and Exercise

I’ve also found that I’m more apt to feel overwhelmed if I’ve been sitting for long periods of times. Moving gets our blood pumping, which directly impacts our brain and energy. If you feel overwhelmed, try moving and stretching. Taking short exercise breaks throughout the day is a great strategy for keeping your momentum going, especially if more strenuous workouts tend to exhaust you.

#30 Breathe Deeply

Breathing is how we get oxygen into our lungs and blood, and just another way we nourish our brain. We train our bodies based on what we habitually do. I believe aerobic exercise can be a great way to train our bodies to breathe more deeply. There is an incredible amount of research currently being done on the benefits of different breathing techniques.

Box breathing calms us

A simple technique I like is box breathing. Box breathing includes inhaling for four counts, holding our breath for four counts, exhaling for four counts, holding our breath for four counts, etc. It’s simple to remember and easy to do anytime we feel overwhelmed.

Slowing our breath can help our bodies deeply relax. If you feel overwhelmed, try taking a deep breath. This can quickly shift your mental and emotional state.

#31 Get More Sleep

If I’m not taking good care of my body’s core basic needs, it almost feels like my body goes into “fight or flight.” I can almost feel my body panicking when it doesn’t have enough fuel, water, or oxygen to function at its optimal best. This also happens when we haven’t had enough sleep.

Managing sleep is so important. I feel like an entirely different person when I haven’t had enough rest. I’m more apt to jump to conclusions, get easily triggered, and feel overwhelmed. When I’ve had a full night’s sleep, and have slept soundly, however, I am filled with energy and optimism. I believe getting enough sleep is one of the most beneficial things we can do if we want to get more done.

Making sleep a priority helps overwhelm

I went through a long period of time when I wasn’t sleeping soundly. I decided to make sleep my top priority, and made many lifestyle changes as a result. Here’s what helps me sleep better. Feel free to comment below if you’ve found other things work for you.

  • Drinking lots of water during the day (no beverages two hours before bed)
  • Eating healthy foods frequently; never letting myself feel hungry
  • Being physically active during the day
  • Eliminating caffeine, sugar, and alcohol
  • Maintaining a consistent bedtime and waking time
  • Avoiding my computer screen and phone about an hour before bed
  • Taking a warm bath before bedtime
  • Keeping the bedroom 100% dark (or as dark as possible)

If you have trouble sleeping, or feel anxious or depressed, talk with your healthcare provider about what might help you. We are all different, and need different things.

#32 Be Kind to Yourself

After I’ve made sure my body’s basic needs are met, I then focus on how I’m talking to myself. If I catch myself ruminating about the past or worrying about the future, I do my best to “change the channel.” When we create a positive vision regarding what is possible for us, we often stop feeling overwhelmed. For me, personally, positive visualization helps me to do this. How we talk to ourselves often filters out to how we treat others. This ripples out and impacts the energy of our lives, and the opportunities that filter back to us.

#33 Keep Track of What You Accomplish

I don’t know about you, but I spend a lot more time looking at my to-do list than celebrating my successes. Focusing on what’s not done is a sure way to feel overwhelmed. Lately, I’ve been keeping lists of what I’ve actually accomplished at the end of each day. This not only helps me see my own progress, it also means I have a record to look back on. Making it a habit to reflect on what we get done can improve how we feel about our lives.

#34 Make an End-of-Day Gratitude List

Even if I haven’t been very productive, chances are, it’s because I’ve been doing something else that is also deeply important. It’s easy to forget this, however, especially if we’re feeling overwhelmed.

What we get done in each day is a reflection of our priorities. Sometimes relaxing, being present with our loved ones, reading a good book, or taking some quiet time are far more important than getting more accomplished.

#35 Meditate

There is a lot of exciting research being done in the area of meditation, our overall well-being, and our emotional states.

There is no “right” or “wrong” way to meditate. As far as I can tell, it all helps. If you are new to meditation, I recommend keeping it simple and doing it in a way that works for you. Sometimes if we are really feeling overwhelmed, sitting in silence makes the feeling worse. In that case, guided visualizations might work best. On the other hand, if you have a very busy mind or always seem to be interacting with others, just sitting in complete silence may be just what you need.

Other times, we might have specific goals, like being more present in our lives. In that case, mindfulness or getting really aware of what is happening in this moment (even just as you go throughout your day) can be a great way to practice presence.

You might try a meditation app, join one of my free meditation calls, or simply sit quietly and focus on your breath for a few minutes whenever you feel overwhelmed. Try doing this before beginning any task that makes you feel overwhelmed or takes you out of your comfort zone.

#36 Get Professional Support

Sometimes, our feelings of overwhelm feel like too much to navigate alone. We might need someone neutral, who doesn’t know us personally, to support us in making changes. That can look different for each of us. The next tips (#36 through 39) cover a few of the professionals you might consider hiring.

Questions to ask about healing professionals

When choosing to work with a healing professional, it can be helpful to interview or meet with a few. Afterwards, ask:

Did I feel respected?

Did I feel heard?

Did I feel emotionally safe?

Did I feel comfortable being completely honest and authentic?

Did I feel comfortable asking for what I want and need?

After a few sessions or conversations, if you feel as if you’re being judged, or as if you can’t be fully honest, forthcoming, or authentic, try to find someone new. They still may be a highly qualified professional, just not right for you. Your healing is the most important work you will ever do. It’s essential that whenever possible, you get support that works well for you.

My personal priorities

As an intuitive coach and healer myself, I believe that I can only help others as much as I can help myself. As a result, I am deeply committed to my own self-care and healing. I am constantly learning and have worked with a wide variety of teachers, healers, therapists, and coaches on my own journey.

Just like we wouldn’t go to a yoga instructor who didn’t have her own yoga practice, a personal trainer who didn’t work out, or a nutritionist who lived off of junk food, I believe that the more we as professionals are committed to our own healing journeys, the more we can offer our clients.

Personally, following are the qualities I look for when seeking professionals to help support me in my own growth and healing:

  • Open-minded
  • Understands and respects the mind-body connection
  • Values creativity and intuition
  • Highly knowledgeable and experienced in their field
  • A parent and/or experience working with kids and adolescents (for me it’s always helpful to have a realistic parenting sounding board)
  • Confidence in me and my own ability to heal and solve my own problems.

Your “ideal therapist/coach/healer/healthcare provider” will likely be very different. It’s important to think about what you are looking for, and what kind of support will benefit you before you get started.

#37 Hire a Coach

Coaching can be a great source of support when it comes to overcoming overwhelm and getting unstuck. Some coaches have multiple specialties and background in other healing modalities as well as coaching. If you think you would benefit from working with a personal coach, you might want to do a quick search online to learn about different modalities.

The benefit of coaching is it can help keep us on track, especially when we are changing habits. It can be very powerful to have someone to check in with week after week to track our progress. Coaches can also offer many different tools for getting unstuck based on their specific professional trainings.

I specialize in intuitive coaching, energy healing to clear blocks, and leading clients in guided meditations to help them find their own answers. You can find out more about my coaching services here.

#38 Hire a Therapist

Personally, I found found having a therapist to be a great asset when it comes to developing productivity strategies that really work for me. Therapists can help us do everything from changing habits, healing challenging emotions, accepting ourselves, navigating loss or life transitions, reprogramming how past traumas affect us now, uncovering and reclaiming our unique gifts, setting healthy boundaries, and so much more.

If you feel like going to a therapist may help you, trust your instincts. We are all different and benefit from different types of support. It’s a good idea to do some research and really think about the type of therapy you need and want.

Just because someone has professional credentials doesn’t necessarily mean they are best qualified to help you with your unique circumstances. Therapists are people too, who get triggered just like the rest of us. The relationship between a therapist and her clients is very intimate. It is essential that you feel safe and respected.

#39 Consult a Wellness Expert

Our brains are physical organs, and are directly affected by what is happening in the rest of our bodies. Sometimes feeling overwhelmed or stuck is linked to a physical problem, or issue that has physical roots.

There is a huge body of very exciting research currently being done in the area of the mind-body connection. We are constantly learning new things, especially when it comes to the connection between our gut biome and our emotional experiences. If the COVID pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that there is so much we don’t know about the human body, and we are learning new things all the time.

A cutting-edge healthcare team can use their knowledge to support you in discovering how certain changes may help you to feel less overwhelmed. You might consider meeting with a physician, nutritionist, personal trainer, chiropractor, acupuncturist, massage therapist, reflexologist, or physical therapist to get a full assessment of your overall well-being.

#40 Hire a Professional Organizer or Feng Shui Consultant

Sometimes feeling stuck has more to do with our environment than our health. Living or working in a cluttered space is a sure way to feel overwhelmed. If you need support overcoming issues related to space and clutter, there are professionals who can come to your home and do an in-home consultation. You will end up with a clear list of supplies to buy, and step-by-step changes to make. Depending on how much support you need, these professionals can also help you implement the changes too.

In Conclusion

If you feel stuck or overwhelmed in some area of your life, remember, we often have more choice than we realize. There are so many tips, resources, and creative ideas that can help you take back your power and get unstuck. The important thing is trusting what works best for YOU.

Resources for Getting Unstuck

Here are some productivity books that have inspired me in the past. I’ve chosen these because they offer step-by-step programs you can follow to manifest real change.

I will continue adding to this resources section over time.

Have more recommendations? I’d love to hear! Comment below.

Organizing Books

Organizing From the Inside Out by Julie Morgenstern ~ I love her suggestion to follow your natural patterns when you organize, and to follow the model of a kindergarten classroom. Her books are written with lots of subheads, space, and in a compassionate voice that makes you feel like anything is possible. If you are feeling overwhelmed, books by Julie Morgenstern are a great place to start.

SHED Your Stuff, Change Your Life: A Four-Step Guide to Getting Unstuck by Julie Morgenstern ~ This book inspired me to look at organizing as a way to usher in bigger life changes. Great if you’re going through a big transition in your life like leaving or entering the workforce, starting a business, getting married or divorced, having children, or becoming an empty nester.

Sink Reflections: The FlyLady’s Simple Flying Lessons Will Show You How to Get Your Home and Life in Order by Marla Cilley ~ This woman is well-known for helping people get unstuck, no matter how hopeless they may feel. If you are feeling overwhelmed by housework, clutter, or organization, Marla’s no-nonsense tips may help. She provides an easy-to-follow routine-based, system filled with baby steps anyone can do. She makes getting organized and keeping your house clean seem manageable.

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing by Marie Kondo ~ I’ve got to admit, I have mixed feelings about Marie Kondo’s systems. I loved her television series (short-lived, I think you can still find it online) and love her question: “Does it spark joy?” However, I have yet to fold my shirts the way she recommends. Others in my family, however, swear by her methods.

From Clutter to Clarity: Clean Up Your Mindset to Clear Out Your Clutter by Kerri Richardson ~ I just got this book on Audible. I’ll let you know how I like it!

Time Management Books

The E-Myth Revisited: While Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It by Michael Gerber ~ While this book focuses on business, it can translate to any organization (including running a household and family!). The key is developing repeatable routines that anyone can follow (and creating a master handbook of these) to manifest growth and success.

Time Management from the Inside Out by Julie Morgenstern ~ In this book, Julie encourages us to organize our calendars like a kindergarten classroom, scheduling similar tasks in time blocks. She also encourages us to follow the SPACE acronym as we take control of our time. S=Sort tasks. P=Purge tasks. A=Assign tasks. C=containerize tasks. E = Equalize, or refine, maintain, and adapt your schedule as you learn what works.

168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think by Laura Vanderkam ~ Useful tips from this book include identifying your core competencies (and delegating tasks that aren’t on the list), keeping your dreams in mind as you plan your schedule, and being clear about what the next level in your life might look like (and what you need to do to get there). Laura warns against working past the point of diminishing returns and is a big fan of delegating laundry, food, and household management to others.

Books on Setting Boundaries

Saying no, and setting boundaries is an essential skill in overcoming overwhelm. Boundary setting is a skill that can be learned. These are my two favorite “how-to” books on boundaries:

Set Boundaries, Find Peace: A Guide to Reclaiming Yourself by Nedra Glover Tawwab ~ With sensitivity and insight, this book guides us to uncover what makes it difficult for us to sometimes set boundaries. This book not only gives tips for setting boundaries, but also puts new rules in place for relationships including “never expect people to read your mind.” Personally, I feel like this book should be required reading for everyone.

The Boundaries Boss by Terri Cole ~ This is another great guidebook. Terri suggests making requests of individuals rather than telling them what to do. Personally, I’ve put my own twist on her methods rooted on empathy work I’ve done through the teachings of Pema Chodron (see below). I have found that if I think my boundary might make someone feel judged, the exchange usually goes much better if I give the other person the benefit of the doubt (and express this).

Books About Inner Peace

Getting Unstuck: Breaking Your Habitual Patterns and Encountering Naked Reality by Pema Chodron ~ I highly recommend all books, audio-programs and courses taught by Pema Chodron, a best-selling author, meditation teacher, and American Buddhist nun. She offers such a compassionate, loving, accessible approach to getting unstuck, and opening our hearts. Her above lecture is my favorite.

Simplify Your Life: Slow Down and Enjoy the Things That Really Matter by Elaine St. James ~ This is an oldie but goodie. The best thing about Elaine’s books is how simply they are written, and easy they are to read. Bite-size inspiration!

Living the Simple Life: A Guide to Scaling Down and Enjoying More by Elaine St. James (see above)

Please Share!

I’d love to hear from you!

Do you have tools/tricks/apps/resources to recommend that you’ve used to overcome overwhelm? Any organizing, time management, or energy boosting success stories to share?

Comment below.

I’ll share your best ideas with our community in an upcoming newsletter. Thanks! 😊

Photo source: Shutterstock/ronstik

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