Life as Art: A Poem For You
When will we stop
looking at writers and artists and musicians
as different?
Do we really need genuis
to know
how important it is
to pile blocks?
Tend a garden
Mix colors
Create meaning
in this life
Every motion
we each take
Even those of us
who don’t know our color wheel
No, especially, those of us who do not know
Those of us
who stumble
in the darkness
believing Creator’s magic
belongs to someone else
Have missed the greatest truth,
the most important one.
So basic,
we almost miss it.
That life is art,
each moment a brush stroke,
our heart playing out its colors
against the great big Canvas
of our story.
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This book is an excerpt from Laurie’s upcoming book Leap With Me: Finding and Following Your Creative Voice. Copyright © 2020 Laurie Smith. All Rights Reserved. Photo credit: inventbbart/Shutterstock