Good News! Meditation Replaces Detention

“Children have more need of models than of critics.”

~Joseph Joubert

In the pursuit of finding positive news stories that can make us feel good about the world, here’s one that caught my attention. In a school in Baltimore, MD, instead of scolding or shaming their students, educators decided to teach them a new skill that could potentially improve their lives and decrease negative behaviors in the future.

At the Robert W. Coleman Elementary School, children who misbehave are sent to a room filled with pastel-colored pillows and lavender, called their “Mindful Moment Room.” After a few moments during which they are allowed to relax, breathe deeply, move their body in yoga stretches or anything that allows them to healthily reset. When they rejoin their peers, they often do so with an apology and new insights about what went wrong.

As a parent, I’ve noticed that most “bad” behavior (whether our own or kids’) comes from the idea that something “out there” will make things better. When we find a way to go within and take the time to explore our inner worlds a little bit, we discover a short-cut to what we really want–attention, compassion and evidence of our own ability to create a turnaround.

The more we learn about ourselves through meditation–our own insecurities, desires, emotions and what it really takes to go through to move from negative to positive, the more empathy we often gain for others.

Check out the CNN Video of the story here.

It’s worth a watch, and highlights some pretty convincing benefits of meditation.

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Photo credit: CNN

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