You Don’t Need Permission

“Everyone has talent. What is rare is the courage to follow talent to the dark place where it leads.”

~Erica Jong

The other day, as I was washing dishes, my mind started wandering. Before I knew it, I was having a fictitious conversation with a writing teacher who had encouraged me many years before.

Somewhere in the middle of our invisible meeting, I stopped and realized what I was doing.

By daydreaming about my past mentor, I was imagining being told by some authority greater than myself that I “should” follow my dreams.  If I was really being honest, I’d have to admit that I was unconsciously looking for permission (or at the very least, reassurance) that it was okay to do my “thing.”

I have a feeling I am not the only one who does this. When we were young, we were often taught that the adults in our lives—parents, teachers, older siblings—knew better than we did about what was in our best interest.

As a result, many of us are still, at least unconsciously, on that approval-seeking treadmill—looking outward for a green light before having the courage to plow forward boldly where our soul is calling us to go.

While it can be helpful to receive the support or guidance of others, only we have the power to follow through with action. Only we have the power to make our dreams happen.

And we can only do that when we stop waiting for someone else’s permission and trust our own inner calling as the ultimate authority in our lives.

The phrase “I don’t need permission” started going through my head like a mantra.

I stopped what I was doing, plopped down in the sunlight, picked up my pad and pen and started writing.

I Don’t Need Permission…and Neither Do You

I don’t need permission.

I don’t need the permission of a teacher, coach or parent.

I don’t need permission from society, a group, committee or government.

I don’t need permission from a child, friend, partner or neighbor.

I don’t need permission from a church, minister, priest, or the world.

I don’t need permission.

I don’t even have to make them understand first.

Even if they desperately want me to explain.

Even they think I should help them before I follow my calling.

I don’t need permission from anyone or anything—be it a University, school, diploma, or even my own past deeds or declarations.

I don’t need permission

To be great

To be strong

To be intuitive

To be confident

To be a leader

To be trustworthy

To be whole.

All I need is to do whatever my soul tells me is right for me in this moment.

I am not a victim

I am not a child

I am not trapped

I am not a prisoner

I am not bad or wrong.

My choices are not wrong either, especially when I am following my truth.

I don’t need permission

To value, care for and protect my own Self, to choose to honor my deepest knowing and follow my own heart.

I don’t need permission to do what my soul is calling me to do, without apology, anger or explanation, without telling my story or living up to anyone’s else’s expectations.

I don’t need permission

To be inspirational

To be successful

To be powerful

And in charge of my own life.

I don’t need permission

To be happy

To shine

To laugh

To love

To dance to my own beat

Or say what in my heart I know to be true.

I don’t need permission to do what I think is best.

I don’t need anyone else’s permission to be the truest, most beautiful, amazing, powerful, gifted me.

And neither do you.

We each have unique gifts, a special essence that will never be repeated by anyone else–ever. May you have the courage, freedom and confidence to share with the world who you really are. The best way to bring light to the world is to let the beautiful spark within each of us shine.

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What is your passion? Is there a talent or gift you are ready to share with the world? Share it here!

Copyright © 2020 Laurie Smith. All Rights Reserved. Photo credit: Maridav/Shutterstock

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