Eggs For My Daughter: A Poem for You

I never knew

how important

it was

to have my words


This is what I am thinking about

as I separate eggs.

Two halves of the shell,

cups in which I

pour the yolk

back and forth,

a game of catch

from one to the next

as the white drips

a harvest in my bowl.

One reader,

one life,

one open heart

receiving what I offer

taking it from me,

completing the chain

carrying it

into her own life

spreading how

I don’t know

and never will

for now

it is

no longer mine.

For each reader

who takes the time

to pause upon a word,

I am grateful.

One word read

lifts a weight,

words like letters sent

need to be opened

cycle not complete

until unsealed

Just as I

reread and edit

taking in more

in my own words

than I ever knew

was there.


buried treasure

even when the words

are our own

and the receiver

of the gift

is us.

This is what I am thinking

as the egg whites

for my daughter

sizzle in their pan.

This book is an excerpt from Laurie Smith’s book Leap With Me: A Creative Path to Finding and Following Your Creative Voice.

© 2020 Laurie Smith. All Rights Reserved. Photo credit: Maridav/Shutterstock

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